Lou is a West Country girl through and through. Raised in a small village in deep Somerset, she spent her childhood roaming fields, picking blackberries and riding horseback. Her twenties were spent travelling the world and this is where her love of photography and adventure grew.
Lou now lives in Bristol with her partner Dan and her two young sons, where she spends her days writing her successful lifestyle blog Littlegreenshed and planning adventures.
She loves nothing more than the smell of wood smoke, sunshine on her face, a good cup of coffee, and dancing in her kitchen.
Anyone who is a strong individual, creative, hard working and stands up for what they believe in. I have strong admiration for people who love their life.
My photographs. Images of my children as they have grown and our life captured on film. I suppose this is why I blog and write, memories really. Also my children’s drawings are very precious… I have layers of their artwork stacked in my studio.
A small lie in. A flat white and granola for breakfast. Lunch with friends and a good catch up. Family wise, always off on an adventure to the woods or perhaps the beach. If we are staying home, the farmers market and mooching around a junk shop or two.
The simple pleasures… reading with my children, the smell of wood smoke, fresh air, adventure, feeling cosy at home on a stormy night, walking bare foot on summer grass, smell of coffee in the morning, holding hands.
Write, travel, collaborate and grow…